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Chinese cosmetics, really?

Asian cosmetics are on the rise, with Koreans in the lead, Japanese not far behind… But what about Chinese cosmetics?

We know it, China is learning very fast. As mentioned in our first article, the country recently adopted a very strict regulation that has raised the quality of its production. However, Chinese brands remain almost not sold abroad.

And yet, did you know that most of raw materials used in the production of cosmetics come from… China! It is here that a large part of the most famous brands on the market source their materials, before going back to their own laboratories to develop their products.

Regarding herbal and natural cosmetics, raw materials are also present in China and specifically in Yunnan province, precisely where we settled. Many of our clients are asking for our experience in the development and production of cosmeceuticals, using plants commonly needed in traditional Chinese medicine.

This is why Bainilan has a privileged location with its factory and its laboratory located in Kunming, right in the heart of this mountainous area where most of plants grow naturally.

Do not wait any longer, let us know about your project.


Over 15 years of experience in herbal cosmetics development and manufacturing

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